Jonas H. Roe
July 9, 1864
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Vicksburg Mississippi

Dear Wife, Saturday July 9th 1864
               Through the blessings of kind Providence I am again blessed with another opportunity of writing to you. I received a few days ago your Letter dated June 27th. I was glad to learn that you and our dear children were all well Master Whebb Webb was here yesterday he left Ill. on the 30th of June he came down to Vicksburg to work at the Carpenter trade. The scout that went out to Jackson the first of this month has not returned yet but I understand that they are coming back to Black River Station. They had some fighting to do but I do not know how much when I write the next time I will let you know the particulars of the scout. We had a good celebration on the 4th of July The booming of Cannon good Patriotic songs and music Patriotic Prayers and Orations and raising a monument on the ground whare Gen Grant and Pemperton formed the terms of the surrender of Vicksburg one year before occupied the time and attention of a large proportion of the people. There was a portion of them who were engaged in celebrating the forth differently. They took passage on the Steamboat Dilligence for Davis Bend about 20 miles down the River. The said bend contains upwards of six thousand acres of the best quality of Farming land. Once the home of Jeff Davis Jeff. + his Brother owns or did own two very large farms in the bend with the best of buildings. The formation of the bend is such that by some fortifying a few men can hold it against many thousand fortifycations have been erected a cross the bend severing it from the land and colored soldiers hold the Fortifycations and the Bend has become a home for the freedmen the wives and children of the old and infirm of that unfortunate race. It is called the freedmans Paradise it is truly a Paradise to them - Schools and Religious Meetings are in successful operation and fast developing the mental powers of that depressed and downtrodden race. At the princely Mantion of Old Jeff. or what was once his but now belongs to U.S. Whare Jeff. hatched and spouted treason was Celebrated by prayer Songs - By Reading the Declaration of the American Independence and By soul stirring Patriotic Speaches the birth of our Glorious Nation -
Celina   The 25 or therabouts is the best time to sow turnips if you can get any seed you had better perhaps sow some Your corn ought to be clean mowed corn is better not to be plowed after it begins to tassel - I presume your Oates is nearly ready to cut I wish you to take care of it as well as you can. Let me know when you write again how much you raised and if you have it gathered +c I want to know also how many hogs you have if any you have never for a great while said anything about them and also how the Sheep are doing and how much Wool they shered +c And also state if the heiffer has come in yet or no and if so if you can milk her +c My time of Inlistment expires the 20th of next September then I will come home if not before if I can get there - We are expecting to be discharged however the first of September the time will soon role around I hope. Please write every week
              I am your Affectionately
Celina Roe                         J.H. Roe

                           J. Allen is better nearly well

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