Jonas H. Roe
March 2, 1863
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    March 2nd 1863
Dear Wife.   Helena Ark
                    Through the goodness of our heavenly Father I am blessed with another Opportunity to write to my beloved family Celina I have deferred writing Several days longer than I should in hopes of getting some money I have not received any pay yet This Reg. was mustered on the last day of March Feb for two months more pay making now due us altogether six months pay due us amounting to the Privates to one and fifty dollars each We expect to get our pay for four months soon After paying for my horse I will forward to you the balance by Express I have but little news to write Our Army is besieging Vicksburg and will doubtless take it before long - Our Co was out on a scout yesterday we took five Prisoners we had none of our men killed or wounded 3 Companies of our Reg has been scouting over in Mississippi for some 10 days They have had two fights doing the time They killed and wounded some forty or fifty and took about the same number of Secess prisoners I learned to day that Gen. Rosencrats Army in eastern Tennessee has defeated Gen Braggs Army again in a large Battle.
Celina I believe that the hardest Battle that has ever been faught in America is now being faught at Vicksburg The Armies are very large and the Secess will hold to it as long as they can If they loose Vicksburg they have lost forever the Mississippi River perfectly dividing their so called Confederacy and I tell you the city will soon be ours
Celina We hear of all that remains in circulation about European Intervention +c but we care nothing about them All the Interference of France will not deter us The Soldiers in the field are determined to put down this Rebellion let it cost what it may and if England or France or both Combined want to interfere in our affairs let them come we will be thoroughly prepared for them it will be their utter ruin. Celina I would like to see and our dear children very much but you know the reasons as well as I do why I do not go and see you If an opportunity presents its self so that I can go and see you honorably I will go and see But if I can not go + see you honorably you will never see me again I will never desert my country. I would rather die ten thousand honorably deaths upon the field of battle fighting for the rights of man than to live in affluence and wealth with my conscience upbraiding me for deserting my country a lothed detested traitor - Kiss Hat + John for me Tell Emily Alice John and Hatti that I love them + that I will come + see them when I can get an opportunity to do so. John Allen + myself are very healthy I want you to write as soon as convenient at least every week
          I am ever your loving husband
Celina Roe                                J.H. Roe

Peach trees are coming out in Bloom here. The River is very high We are will March 4th 1863

© elf junction, ink.

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